UIL Info for Water Polo


A Letter to Water Polo Coaches


East Region Coaches, 

You may have already received an update earlier today via email from Joe Linehan, but below is information about the UIL decision to postpone the start date for UIL Water Polo. At this time this still does not affect our planned TISCA Spring 2021 season. We are also still planning on having a West Region Zoom meeting at some point as we get closer to the season to sort out logistics. I know many of you have full plates with swimming and the changing school environment, so we will wait to meet once we have more details for Spring sports. Here is the update:  

The UIL Legislative Council earlier today decided to postpone the start date for UIL Water Polo to Fall 2022 due to COVID-19 related issues.  As everyone knows there are various challenges during the 2020-2021 academic year for school districts including budget crunches, planning issues, etc.  The UIL feels postponing the start date would be best for everyone involved.  The TISCA Water Polo Board has been assured that UIL Water Polo has been approved and will happen beginning Fall 2022.  At this time, the plan is to have a TISCA Water Polo high school season in Spring 2021 and Spring 2022 prior to the first official UIL Water Polo season in Fall 2022.  

The UIL wants water polo to succeed.  “We want to do it right, and putting it together in a year, with all the challenges we’re facing with COVID-19, we think it would be in the best interest to push this [back] and delay the start of it,” said Susan Elza, the UIL’s Director of Athletics.  This decision allows for Texas high school water polo to continue to grow and expand the number of schools playing under the umbrella of TISCA Water Polo, increase the number of referees, and ramp up the coach educational opportunities.  Overall, this gives all coaches and school officials time to reset after the last several months of COVID-19 related issues on multiple fronts. 


Tracy Robinson